Saturday 26 May 2012

Hi There's about 22 ponies files still up on rapidshare set to expire after midnight t'nite. In an act one parts braggadocio and two self-flaggelation, I won't be renewing the files. There's ghost/thrash, offriendas, thief in fire etc all up on there for anyone who wants 'em - probably around sixty-seventy recordings for download at no cost save required effort and free disk space. If you haven't already you can access them by trolling the blog and following the assorted links. Sincere Thanks to everyone who listened to the .zips when they were sent last November. For my part, everything from the way we recorded these songs to how they were edited, distributed and decorated was about the happiest experience I've had putting music together - so far. Best Wishes Tom
All titles are po)))nies (2007-2012) unless otherwise indicated.

Bespoke cd-rs/DVDs available on request.

Postage info/file-sharing and all other correspondence to


in 2012 future~pizza became a webblog/photo-journal

Thank you.